
WIKISTIM is available to subscribers free-of-charge because of earmarked donations to The Neuromodulation Foundation, Incorporated, our non-profit, charitable 501(c)(3) corporation. No one source of funding is sufficient to support our work, and we are grateful for the support of individuals and for grants from the professional societies and industry in our field. Visit our ABOUT page “What support has WIKISTIM received” for a list of supporters.

All donations to The Neuromodulation Foundation are tax-deductible for United States tax-payers who are aged 70 1/2 and contribute directly from an Individual Retirement Account through a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” or who itemize their income tax deductions.

We welcome and acknowledge all donations. A PAYPAL option is offered below for your convenience or you may mail a check to The Neuromodulation Foundation, Inc., 822 Guilford Avenue #102, Baltimore, MD 21202.

Thank you!